The Venus Project faces #31 | Timo Deitmann Coutinho

October 7, 2013 Leave a comment

Name: Timo Deitmann Coutinho

Age: 20

Live in: GermanyTVP

Who are you in a nutshell?

I try to be a part the solution and not a part of the problem.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?

TVP is the best system i know of, it fits with so many aspects i thought of before. It offers a realistic solution to nearly all determinent aspects in our society by making a monetary/scarcity based system obsolete and unacceptable. (i have to say that i already had written a text so well and detailed but i overwrote it. This was so annoying. Here is my other Text about TVP.)

Everyone is learning but each in their own frame of reference. We need to have a society where the goods and services are available for everyone without any terms! This is important. The base of motivation is the want and the will to help people and to improve ourselves. An economy based on resources, relevant education, sustainability, high technology is the best way to reach a society with decent people and continuously rising high living standards.

A Question considering TVP-Activists motivation – “I wonder where they work or what they do for a living….for money ”

They are working directly on their “living” because they are convinced and believe in what they are doing even for those who don’t work because those need a base to even have a motivation to end their frustration or demotivation. Don’t look to others of what they do, don’t do something because you want consideration or reward of what you do, do it because you’re convinced of what you do so you’re the example. Also don’t do things if you’re not convinced. This is my understanding of honesty and decency.

Of course this is impossible in a monetary system. Money is an illusion which enslaves us. It controls our whole thinking and doing – money makes scarcity because if you don’t have enough you have no access to your needs and goods and services. Competition selects continuously and that means more and more people will suffer poverty and misery. Those who work hard in a monetary system take more out of the society as they put in. This is a fact and the logic of our socialdarwinistic system even if the effort of a person is the well being of the people. But in the most cases the effort of these people is just to get rich, famous and powerful – this is what you get from school, work and media, your social contacts and usually from your own family. The system gives you more but the rest less until a better one comes that cuts you out. Our high performance requirements, our work time, our work difficulty and work control will rise more and more while our life conditions will fall more and more. In our monetary system good advances, developments aren’t shared free because companies which have these want to have the competition advantage.

As long we have money and competition as the base in our system no party will achieve a sustain civilization. All parties support this base so changes wont stay long or will be balanced out. Real changes aren’t possible in this system. All these indoctrinations of justifying our right to live are totally wrong and the root of money, competition, hierarchy, territorial disputes, war, crime, misery, hate, slavery, poverty, superstition, pollution and exploitation. So every-time you go to work, consume, study and cooperate in this system you support all these aspects. If you want a better world you have to work against it like spreading the word about the resourced based economy (Venus Project) and educating yourself about it and others who are interested.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon?

It depends on us, me, you, – i will do anything i can and try to inform and motivate people to do so too.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

It is hard because indoctrinations and old dogmas are so rooted but we can eliminate that by spreading Information about TVP and make them understandable to all people.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

Way’s of practicing can fail but fact’s not so we always should improve ourselves and fix certain things that didn’t work in TVP.

Describe yourself in 3 words

Passionate, open minded, honest

Anything you would like to add?

Reject and refuse the system if you really have enough, spread the word and inform those about TVP you are able to reach. It is time to create a real civilization. Thanks to everyone who supports, we’ll do it! 🙂

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The Venus Project faces #29 | Miriam Lamarre

July 12, 2011 1 comment


Age: 24 (25 MARCH 1987)

Miriam Lamarre

Live in: JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA I’m a Canadian citizen though and my home town is Rosemere, Quebec, Canada.

Who are you in a nutshell? I am a fan of the Venus project and what it stands for. I am currently living and working in a meaningless job just so my company can turnover billions of South African Rands each year. After watching the Zeitgeist documentaries and studying the Venus project my life has changed and my goals have shifted to figuring out a way to better the way we all live for the good of the environment and human beings. I am doing all I can to spread the word around Johannesburg.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project? I am keen on the Venus project because honestly I don’t know how anyone can’t be. The thought of everyone having a roof over their heads and food to eat is a wonderful idea. The fact that, with the level of technology that we have now and the virtually unlimited resources we have in solar, wind, wave and geothermal energy, we can make a change now makes me very excited to see the change!!

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon? I think with the right amount of motivation and sending out the right information to the public we can make a change soon. Even if it’s not a complete world change, any change to the way we use the earth’s resources will be for the greater in the long run. As the sayings go “Rome wasn’t built in a day” but “The thousand mile journey begins with a single step”.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite? I think it has been difficult for us as societies and as a world society to unite because of the media and the education systems we have been exposed to. American television shows promoting the Middle East as the enemy and terrorism as the norm and that war is the only way to survive. Our education teaching us the history of war and bible studies to prove to us how different we are. But if we were learning how to appreciate the world we live on, how to expand our knowledge of technology and of all the earth’s rich landscapes we could learn to live as one race and not segregate ourselves by status and wealth.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell your children to do better than we did? Well the funny thing is that I never wanted to have children. Well not as long as were living in this corrupt world. I have never enjoyed living, waking up everyday to the poverty that surrounds me in South Africa, knowing that out there the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I hate walking around shopping malls where all the people around me care about are material possessions and judge others by what they have. It makes me sick to my stomach that there is prospect for a better life out there for all of Earths’ inhabitants and all we care about is a false icon called money… So unless we can make a difference now, I have told my fiancee that we will never have children and he agrees. But for the future generations that will come after us, I’ll tell them to just keep strong. To stay motivated and to keep doing what all of you at the Venus Project are doing now, trying to make the world a better place for all of us.

Describe yourself in 3 words
Infuriated, Motivated, Passionate

Anything you would like to add? Thank you! Thank you for bringing such a project to light and I wish you guys all the best for success in this. Any help that I can possibly give I will. I’m already spreading the word. Can’t wait until The Venus Project is our reality! It has brought back the meaning to my life.

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The Venus Project faces #28 | Steve Tucknott

Name: Steve Tucknott

Age: 26

Steve Tucknott

Live in: Bolingbrook, Il

Who are you in a nutshell?

Observant old soul, who is trapped in a backwards society.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?

Freedom. I need these institutions lifted from my shoulders. I don’t want to feel trapped anymore, and I want to enjoy my life. The venus project could provide a logical form of freedom.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon?

I sure hope so.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

Propaganda. The general society is so brainwashed into think these systems are so normal that they can’t see beyond their little boxes.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

I’m not having children in a world that is corrupted by money, greed and power. This is no way for anyone to live.

Describe yourself in 3 words…

Aware. Logical. Genius.

Anything you would like to add?

Anyone who is on board needs to unite and start a oceanic city. The rest of the world would follow suit.

Categories: Faces

The Venus Project faces #27 | Ryan Wielinga

June 17, 2011 1 comment

Name: Ryan 

Ryan Wielinga

Age: 21

Live in: Netherlands

Who are you in a nutshell?

A nut, on a serious note im a humanist

Why are you keen on The Venus Project? 

Always been searching for a society where humans live together side by side making the best of it.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon?

Hopefully in a few decades, depends on how fast we can mobilise people.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

People have different ideas because they grow up in different environments and they defend that because for them its personal.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

Listen to others and keep thinking.

Describe yourself in 3 words 

Kind, principled, grounded

Anything you would like to add?

We are the wave of the future

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A few quotes from Jacque Fresco

June 8, 2011 2 comments

“We talk about civilization as though it’s a static state. There are no civilized people yet, it’s a process that’s constantly

Jacque Fresco

going on… As long as you have war, police, prisons, crime, you are in the early stages of civilization.”

“I have no notions of a perfect society, I don’t know what that means. I know we can do much better than what we’ve got, I’m no utopian, I’m not a humanist that would like to see everybody living in warmth and harmony: I know that if we don’t live that way, we’ll kill each other and destroy the Earth.”

“War, poverty, corruption, hunger, misery, human suffering will not change in a monetary system. That is, there will be very little significant change. It’s going to take the redesign of our culture and values.”

“In my work I am not attempting to predict the future. I am only pointing out what is possible with the intelligent application and humane use of science and technology.”

“The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture.”

“The Venus Project is a concept that could happen today but it is not up to me, it depends on what others do to help bring it about.”

Categories: Faces

The Venus Project faces #26 | Pamela Sue Taylor

June 4, 2011 1 comment

Name:  Pamela Sue Taylor

Pamela Sue Taylor

Age:  31 years
Live in:  Australia

Who are you in a nutshell?

A passionate intellectual with a side serving of humour.  I have occupational insanity.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?  

This is the only system that I’ve seen that can effectively and efficiently replace the current broken system.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon?  

I think it will have to – we are on the brink of destruction otherwise.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

Greed separates us from one another.  Once everyone realises that we are all one, we’ll be fine, but we have to show it to 7 billion people first.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

Love one another right now.

Describe yourself in 3 words  

Skeptical Cynical Optimist

Anything you would like to add?  

The key to any relationship, be it personal or global, are the 3 C’s; communication, compromise, and cuddles.

Categories: Participate Tags:

The Venus Project faces #25 | Ryan Kassim Ramjohn

June 4, 2011 2 comments

Name: Ryan Kassim Ramjohn

Age: 23

Live in: Port Hope Ontario Canada

Who are you in a nutshell?

Ryan Kassim Ramjohn

I am a wannabe comedian just started on the pursuit of that dream. I am a strong person both body and soul. I stand up for what is right no matter what the government or other people think.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?

It is for one reason for us to have more someone has to have less for the lives we live someone (more than one) has to either die or suffer. As a human I cannot support a system that makes people suffer for personal gain. The Venus Project is the only way where everyone can get everything they need without putting the well being of others in jeopardy.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon?

No I believe we are a transitional generation we are the people who have to take us from the old way of thinking to a civilization who takes care of all of it brothers and sisters.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

I hate to say it this way but in our society we do not have bloated black children with flys on their face. Even if the people want change they have responsibilities to their families and they can’t take the risk that their children will not have food with the system we have now it gives us just enough to get by and the “dream” that one day we could have more. The fear of the worst case scenario and think it is our system that is keeping us safe from famine civil distress or whatever.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell your children to do better than we did?

Just to always question authority and never let them take who you are, away from you, it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep getting up. Also don’t let them use fear to stop you from your goals. Keep love in your heard and knowledge in your mind

Describe yourself in 3 words

Strong, Passionate, Me

Anything you would like to add?

Governments all over are trying to silence their people never let your voice be muted

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The Venus Project faces #24 | Hatlabu Farkas

June 1, 2011 2 comments

Name: Hatlabu Farkas

Age: 33

Live in: Budapest city , Hungary

Hatlabu Farkas

Who are you in a nutshell?

I am the guy who is giving free copy of the DVD edition of addendum in the Main entrance of Big temples in Budapest city.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?

I am hates the DEBT – SLAVES based system, and TVP lo0ks like the only alternative way of thinking of this planet.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

Because EVERITHING is based on separations t0day. I am Uniting a LOT of teamspeak servers, Gaming hosts, and Gaming clans in hungary. The way is the same. If u are NOT based on separation, the world can become ONE 😀

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

I have a children, and I teach him to THINK. (and ask the main word : “WHY” )

Describe yourself in 3 words

back way working cogwheel

Anything you would like to add?

I am the “community builder” in my teamspeak 3 server. I am using voice chat almost always. in ZM ‘s teamspeak, or my 0wn.

Categories: Faces Tags: ,

The Venus Project faces #23 | Lorik Charles Morgan

May 31, 2011 1 comment

Name: Lorik Charles Morgan
Age: 20
Live in: Veazie, Maine

Lorik Charles Morgan

Who are you in a nutshell?
I am a struggling musician who knows that a vast wealth of talent is waiting  untapped. I always have big dreams for my future and I try my best to achieve them. I am warm and congenial to those whom I have respect, adoration, and affection; for those who have wronged me, I still try to see the best in them. Most of all, I don’t think I fit very well into a nutshell. I have witnessed first hand the consequences and tribulations of this current society and I thank the higher powers that I have come out from it as a decent person. I think, rather than submitting to a thought pattern that was otherwise not good for me or the rest of the world, I chose to be better than my surroundings. I was made fun of for being quiet and a lot of people believed I would grow up to be a serial murderer; I just thought it was better to observe and quietly contemplate than chat my head off and not gain the lessons every day presents.

Why are you keen on the Venus Project?
First off, the society we live in now is complete rubbish and all it produces is rubbish. Cars that break down four years after they are bought (and that immediately lose value when they are driven off the lot), computers that malfunction if they don’t have a certain upgrade that you have to purchase, and our rampant consumerism ruins the ecosystems of all life, even our own. People don’t realize it, but we should have moved on from this mode of society about thirty years ago when the information age really took it’s final leap into the internet. This world needs a major change and the revolutions worldwide have already started and The Venus Project seems to be the only real solution for after this current society has failed. Plus, I had really started thinking about satellite-controlled cars and automated services and buildings building themselves through the arm of technology, then along came The Venus Project into my view and I cannot accept it as purely coincidental. I believe the fact that I grasped those concepts and then the Venus Project brought them into focus. I think it is the most beautiful, if not the only, and true path for humanity’s future.

Do you think it will become a reality soon?
I certainly hope it will become a reality soon. There are some major changes that have to happen first. The wars being waged have to be stopped; they have been going for half my life and every day I feel that drain on my own psyche. I do believe that the goals that The Venus Project wishes to accomplish are coming soon as we, as a society, are poised to dive into a new age of enlightenment and promise. Most people will look at this new age as a travesty, however I believe that economic collapse will come, people will forget that money is a necessity and we will realize that each and every person is a human, regardless of borders, or the color of their skin, or the person they choose to love, or what language they speak and that we’re all on this world together for purposes that we have not even dreamed to fathom. In fact, the Venus Project may be the only real idea out there that provides the most intelligent response to the event of a total global economic collapse.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?
We have been conditioned, either consciously by the “powers that be”, or unconsciously by the will of our parents and the exertion of hate towards certain race groups or religious groups. Everybody has a label and each and every one of us fights each other to say that their label is best and that everybody should fall under that label. Plus, the various “-isms” are a problem, all of which are great in concept, but fall apart when put into practice. I have even seen numerous people throwing the label of “Socialism” or “Communism” onto the Venus Project and people have to be reminded that both systems mentioned used money and that the Venus Project does not desire the use of money, at all.
I think if people really paused and took time to really digest the message, I feel more hands would rise to the cause. But, because of our current society, it seems almost entirely impossible to get the facts behind something and people would rather make a quick judgement based on their prior knowledge and not even bother to see below the surface. It is a superficial, polarized and branded world we live in where everybody just wants to fight because we have nothing better to do with our lives, and they couldn’t be more wrong.

If the Venus Project doesn’t work out, what will you tell your children to do better than we did?
I think I will fight for the idea for as long as I live and have an advocacy for it until my dying breath. The beauty of the concept is in how simple it is. I probably won’t be having children, but I am planning to be a teacher. I would tell them, my students, to love one another and dream big; to dream that they can change the world if they really try. It is only when we start teaching our children that no matter how different they are from one another, everybody is different and they have that right to be so.

Describe yourself in three words:
Compassionate, idealistic, thinker

Anything you would like to add:
I want to thank Jacque Fresco for being a visionary and for alighting the beacon on the distant shore of our future. He has seen the potential of human beings and has set a lofty goal for us to realize, but he believes we can do it. I will dedicate myself to this cause for my life because I truly think it is worth fighting for. It is so hard in this society to believe that one person can change the world, yet so many believe one man did change the world. Of course, I am referring only to one religion, but it isn’t until we all recognize once more that we are all one person out of six billion, and one person out of six billion can make other people realize they matter; that their lives matter and are worth fighting for. If everyone believes they are one person who can change the world, we would have six billion crying out for change and change will come. So, no matter how hard it seems now, keep fighting the fight and believing the dream, because it is only when we abandon out hopes, dreams and aspirations that change does not get done.

Categories: Faces

The Venus Project faces #22 | Dustin Wayne Shelton

Name: Dustin Wayne Shelton    

Age: 26

Live in: La follette, Tennessee 

Dustin Wayne Shelton

Who are you in a nutshell?

I am an individual, I am one within a social and spiritual network.

Why are you keen on The Venus Project?

Our world is in dire need of revolutionary change, radical, the likes of which has never been seen, the Venus Project is a great starting point for this change.

Do you think it will become a reality anytime soon? 

If people wake up soon, and stop accepting the lies that are a part of our every day lives, If we can cast off the shackles of the monitory system anything is possible.

Why do you think it is so hard to unite?

For hundreds if not thousands of years the powers that be have been concocting social wedges to drive us apart, all of the ” isms” Class ism, Racism , nationalism, coupled with religious dogmas all work together to keep us “Different” from one another.

If TVP doesn’t work out, what will you tell you children to do better than we did?

Accept truth as authority, seeks truth in everything, never cease to grow from what you learn to be true, and change that which is not true, or does not work.

Describe yourself in 3 words. 

Frustrated with society.

Anything you would like to add? 

No one of us can do this alone, only together banded by our common desires to live in a world that works, a world that cares, a world that thrives in harmony with nature. Can we ever hope to accomplish the beginnings of real change in the world. Spread the word about TVP. Always seek, and accept only the truth.

Categories: Faces